Introductory Circuit Analysis – Robert Boylestad – 11th Edition


The new edition of Introductory Circuit Analysis ebook by Robert L. Boylestad provides understandable presentation of circuit analysis to the introductory level students.

It provides the basics and solid foundation in engineering circuit analysis; an introduction to the fundamentals of circuits and circuit theory. Features include step-by-step examples with clear explanations and descriptions, more than 50 practical applications and challenging practice problems.

Different Circuit analysis or simulation software such as PSpice, Multisims 2001 version of Electronics Workbench, OrCAd version 9.2 Lite Edition and MathCad software have been used in this introductory book as references and examples. Computer programs such as C++ and Basic are printed in color when they run by the circuit simulation software.

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  • Chapter 1 Introduction
    Chapter 2 Current and Voltage
    Chapter 3 Resistance
    Chapter 4 Ohm’s Law, Power, and Energy
    Chapter 5 Series Circuits
    Chapter 6 Parallel Circuits
    Chapter 7 Series-Parallel Networks
    Chapter 8 Methods of Analysis and Selected Topics (dc)
    Chapter 9 Network Theorems
    Chapter 10 Capacitors
    Chapter 11 Magnetic Circuits
    Chapter 12 Inductors
    Chapter 13 Sinusoidal Alternating Waveforms
    Chapter 14 The Basic Elements and Phasors
    Chapter 15 Series and Parallel ac Circuits
    Chapter 16 Series-Parallel ac Networks
    Chapter 17 Methods of Analysis and Selected Topics (ac)
    Chapter 18 Network Theorems (ac)
    Chapter 19 Power (ac)
    Chapter 20 Resonance
    Chapter 21 Transformers
    Chapter 22 Polyphase Systems
    Chapter 23 Decibels, Filters, and Bode Plots
    Chapter 24 Pulse Waveforms and the R-C Response
    Chapter 25 Nonsinusoidal Circuits
    Chapter 26 System Analysis: An Introduction
  • Citation

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