An electrical circuit is a system of interconnected components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, voltage sources, and so on. The electrical behavior of these components is described by a few basic experimental laws. These laws and the principles, concepts, mathematical relationships, and methods of analysis that have evolved from them are known as circuit theory.
The mathematical foundation and the practical application of circuit theory in this highly readable book will prove invaluable to students enrolled in electronics engineeringtechnology curriculum and professionals alike. This one-of-a-kind text provides comprehensive coverage of circuit analysis topics, including fundamentals of DC and AC circuits, methods of analysis, capacitance, inductance, magnetism, simple transients, and computer methods. Hundreds of step by step examples lead the user through the critical thinking processes required to solve problems. Two popular computer simulation packages, OrCAD PSpice Version 9 and Electronics Workbench are integrated throughout the book to support “what-if” situations. With the Online Companion, users can access a web site that contains RealAudio sound-clips that present more in-depth discussions of the most difficult topics covered in each chapter.
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