Microelectronic Circuit Design – Richard C. Jaeger, Travis N. Blalock – 3rd Edition


Microelectronic Circuit Design is known for being a technically excellent text. The new edition has been revised to make the material more motivating and accessible to students. A new co-author, Travis Blalock, has joined the author team to assist in providing a student-friendly approach.

A pedagogical framework has been added that includes chapter opening vignettes, chapter objectives, “Electronics in Action” boxes, a problem solving methodology, and “design note” boxes.

The number of examples, including new design examples, has been increased, giving students more opportunity to see problems worked out. Additionally, some of the less fundamental mathematical material has been moved to the website.

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  • Part I Solid-State Devices and Circuits
    1 Introduction to Electronics
    2 Solid-State Electronics
    3 Solid-State Diodes and Diode Circuits
    4 Field-Effect Transistors
    5 Bipolar Junction Transistors

    Part II Digital Circuit Design
    6 Introduction to Digital Electronics and NMOS Design
    7 CMOS Logic Design
    8 Memory and Advanced Logic Circuits
    9 Bipolar Logic Circuits

    Part III Analog Circuit Design
    10 Analog Systems
    11 Operational Amplifiers
    12 Small-Signal Modeling and Linear Amplification
    13 Single-Transistor Amplifiers
    15 Multistage Amplifiers
    16 Analog Integrated Circuits
    17 Frequency Response
    18 Feedback, Stability, and Oscillators

    Appendix A Integrated Circuit Fabrication
    Appendix B Solid-State Device Models and SPICE Simulation Parameters
    Appendix C Standard Discrete Component Values
    Appendix D Data Sheets
    Appendix E Physical Constants and Conversion Factors
  • Citation

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