RF Circuit Design: Theory And Applications – R. Ludwig & P. Bretchko – 1st Edition


The aim of this textbook is to develop the design aspects of RF Circuits in such a way that the need for transmission line principles becomes clear without the need to take an electromagnetic field approach. Therefore, no prior, in-depth knowledge is necessary beyond a first undergraduate physics course, mandated by most colleges and universities.

Students gifted with a knowledge of basic circuit theory and/or exposure to microelectronics can use this book and cover the entire spectrum from basic transmission principles and microstrip lines to various high-frequency circuit design procedures.

Long mathematical derivations are either relegated to appendices or placed in the examples, separate from the main text. This allows the omission of some of the dry theoretical details and thus focuses on the main concepts.

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  • Chapter 1. Introduction
    Chapter 2. Transmission Line Analysis
    Chapter 3. Smith Chart
    Chapter 4. Single- and Multi-Port Networks
    Chapter 5. A Brief Overview of RF Filter Design
    Chapter 6. Active RF Components
    Chapter 7. Active RF Component Modeling
    Chapter 8. Matching and Biasing Networks
    Chapter 9. RF Transistor Amplifier Designs
    Chapter 10. Oscillators and MixersAppendix A. Useful Physical Quantities and Units
    Appendix B. Skin Equation for a Cylindrical Conductor
    Appendix C. Complex Numbers
    Appendix D. Matrix Conversions
    Appendix E. Physical Parameters of Semiconductors
    Appendix F. Long and Short Diode Models
    Appendix G. Couplers
    Appendix H. Noise Analysis
    Appendix I. Introduction to MATLAB
  • Citation

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