Irwin’s Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis has built a solid reputation for its highly accessible presentation, clear explanations, and extensive array of helpful learning aids. The eighth edition, has been fine-tuned and revised, making it more effective and even easier to use. It covers such topics as resistive circuits, nodal and loop analysis techniques, capacitance and inductance, AC steady-state analysis, polyphase circuits, the Laplace transform, two-port networks, and much more.
Every new copy of the Eighth Edition of Irwin’s Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis offers free limited-time access to Circuit Solutions by JustAsk! This innovative web-based tutorial invites you to see the solution as it walks you step-by-step through select problems from the text, while highlighting the important concepts needed to solve each problem. You’ll save time in your studies and build valuable analysis skills that you can rely on throughout your professional career.
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