University Physics – George B. Arfken, David F. Griffing, Donald C. Kelly & Joseph Priest – 1st Edition


University Physics: Arfken Griffing Kelly Priest covers the concepts upon which the quantitative nature of physics as a science depends; the types of quantities with which physics deals are defined as well as their nature; and the concepts of units and dimensions.

The book describes the concepts of scalars and vectors; the rules for performing mathematical operations on vector quantities; the concepts of force, torque, center of gravity, and types of equilibrium. The text also describes the concepts and quantities required to describe motion; the linear kinematical relationships to describe motion; as well as the interrelationship between forces, which effect motion, and the motion itself. The concepts of mechanical work, kinetic energy and power; conservative and nonconservative forces; and the conservation of linear momentum are also considered.

The book further tackles the concept of the center of mass; the rotational analogs of translational dynamics; and the mechanics of rotating systems. The text then demonstrates the motion of a rigid body; oscillatory motion, the mechanical properties of matter; and hydrodynamics. Thermodynamics, electricity, electromagnetism, and geometric and physical optics are also encompassed.

Quantum and nuclear physics are also looked into. Students taking physics courses will find the book useful.

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    1. General Introduction

    2. Vector Algebra

    3. Equilibrium of Rigid BodiesPreview

    4. Motion in One Dimension

    5. Motion in a Plane

    6. Newton's Laws

    7. Work, Energy, and Power

    8. Conservation of Energy

    9. Conservation of Linear Momentum

    10. Many-Particle Systems

    11. Conservation of Angular Momentum

    12. Rotation of a Rigid Body

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