University Physics Vol.1 – Sears, Zemansky’s – 11th Edition


This book is the product of more than half a century of innovation in the teaching of physics. The success of university physics among generations of students and educators around the world is testimony to the merits of their approach: an emphasis on the fundamental principles of physics and how to apply them. This eleventh edition emphasizes two key objectives: to help the student acquire a conceptual understanding and to facilitate the acquisition of solid problem-solving skills.

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  • Part I: Mechanics

    Chapter 1: Units, physical quantities and vectors
    Chapter 2: Straight Line Motion
    Chapter 3: Motion in two or three dimensions
    Chapter 4: Newton Motion Laws
    Chapter 5: Applications of Newton's Laws
    Chapter 6: Work and kinetic energy
    Chapter 7: Potential energy and energy conservation
    Chapter 8: Linear momentum, momentum and shocks
    Chapter 9: Rotation of rigid bodies
    Chapter 10: Rotational motion dynamics
    Chapter 11: Balance and elasticity
    Chapter 12: Gravitation
    Chapter 13: Periodic motion
    Chapter 14: Fluid Mechanics Waves / Acoustics

    Part II: Waves / Acoustics

    Chapter 15: Mechanical waves
    Chapter 16: Sound and Hearing Thermodynamics

    Part III: Thermodynamics

    Chapter 17: Temperature and heat
    Chapter 18: Thermal Properties of Matter
    Chapter 19 : The First Law of Thermodynamics
    Chapter 20: The Second Law of Thermodynamics


    Appendix A: The international system of units
    Appendix B: Useful Math Relationships
    Appendix C: The Greek alphabet
    Appendix D: Periodic Table of Elements
    Appendix E: Unit conversion factors
    Appendix F: Number Constants
    Answers to odd number problems
  • Citation

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