Physics – James S. Walker – 2nd Edition


Like having a private coach at their elbows, this introduction to algebra-based physics involves readers actively in a guided learn-by-doing process—sensing when they need a very patient exposition and when they need only minimal reinforcement, when they need to focus on concepts and when they need an opportunity to practice their quantitative skills.

At the heart of the volume are worked examples in a unique, two-column format that focuses on the basic strategies and step-by-step thought processes involved in problem solving—with an emphasis on the relationship between the physical concepts and their mathematical expression. Color-coded drawings help readers visualize physics problems, and companion photographs show the same principle at work in different physical contexts, or juxtapose situations in which contrasting principles are at work. Real-world physics applications abound. Covers the full spectrum of topics in Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Electromagnetism, Light and Optics, and Modern Physics. For anyone needing an introduction to, or refresher of, algebra-based physics.

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  • 1. Introduction
    2. Mechanics
    3. Vector in Physics
    4. Two-Dimensional Kinematics
    5. Newton's Laws of Motion
    6. Applications of Newton's Law
    7. Work and Kinetic Energy
    8. Potential Energy and Conservative Forces
    9. Linear Momentum and Collisions
    10. Rotational Kinemativs and Energy
    11. Rotational Dynamics and Static Equilibrium
    12. Gravity
    13. Oscillations About Equilibrium
    14. Waves and Sounds
    15. Fluids
    16. Temperature and Heat
    17. Phase and Phase Changes
    18. The Laws of Thermodynamics
    19. Electric Charges, Forces, and Fields
    20. Electric Potential Energy and Electric Potential
    21. Electric Current and Direct-Current Circuits
    22. Magnetism
    23. Magnetic Flux
    24. Alternating-Current Circuits
    25. Electromagnetic Waves
    26. Geometrical Optics
    27. Optical Instruments
    28. Physical Optics. Interference and Diffraction
    29. Relativity
    30. Quantum Physics
    31. Atomic Physics
    32. Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Radiation
  • Citation

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