An Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics – Keith Stowe – 2nd Edition


This introductory textbook for standard undergraduate courses in thermodynamics has been completely rewritten to explore a greater number of topics, more clearly and concisely. Starting with an overview of important quantum behaviours, the book teaches students how to calculate probabilities in order to provide a firm foundation for later chapters.

It introduces the ideas of classical thermodynamics and explores them both in general and as they are applied to specific processes and interactions. The remainder of the book deals with statistical mechanics. Each topic ends with a boxed summary of ideas and results, and every chapter contains numerous homework problems, covering a broad range of difficulties.

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  • Part I. Introduction:
    1. Introduction

    Part II. Small Systems:
    2. Statistics for small systems
    3. Systems with many elements

    Part III. Energy and the First Law:
    4. Internal energy
    5. Interactions between systems

    Part IV. States and the Second Law:
    6. Internal energy and the number of accessible states
    7. Entropy and the second law
    8. Entropy and thermal interactions

    Part V. Constraints:
    9. Natural constraints
    10. Models
    11. Choice of variables
    12. Special processes
    13. Engines
    14. Diffusive interactions

    Part VI. Classical Statistics:
    15. Probabilities and microscopic behaviours
    16. Kinetic theory and transport processes in gases
    17. Magnetic properties of materials
    18. The partition function

    Part VII. Quantum Statistics:
    19. Introduction to quantum statistics
    20. Quantum gases
    21. Blackbody radiation
    22. The thermal properties of solids
    23. The electrical properties of materials
    24. Low temperatures and degenerate systems

    Further reading
    Problem solutions
  • Citation

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