Introduction to Thermodynamics, Classical and Statistical – Richard E. Sonntag, Gordon J. Van Wylen – 3rd Edition


Presents a comprehensive and rigorous treatment of thermodynamics while retaining an engineering perspective and, in so doing, provides a resource with considerable flexibility for the inclusion of material on thermodynamics. Updated for this Third Edition, it reflects an increased emphasis on environmental issues and a recognition of the steadily growing use of computers in the study of thermodynamics and solution of thermodynamic problems. Contains numerous examples, as well as problems at the end of each chapter that are carefully sequenced to reflect the subject matter.

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  • 1. Some Introductory Comments
    2. Some Concepts and Definitions
    3. Properties of a Pure Substance
    4. Work and Heat
    5. The First Law of Thermodynamics
    6. The Second Law of Thermodynamics
    7. Entropy
    8. Irreversibility and Availability
    9. Some Power and Refrigeration Cycles
    10. Thermodynamic Relations
    11. Mixtures and Solutions
    12. Chemical Reactions
    13. Introduction to Phase and Chemical Equilibrium
    14. Flow Through Nozzles and Blade Passages

    Figures, Tables and Charts, English Unit Supplement
    Some Selected References,
    Answers to Selected Problems
  • Citation

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