Introduction to Thermal Systems Engineering – Moran & Shapiro – 1st Edition


From the leading authors in the field, Michael Moran, Howard Shapiro, Bruce Munson, and David DeWitt, comes an integrated introductory presentation of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. The unifying theme is the application of these priciples in thermal systems engineering.

Responding to pressures to reduce credit hours in the curriculum and to ABET-inspired objectives for more integrated treatment of engineering topics, this text surveys the field of thermal sciences with an emphasis on applications to thermal systems engineering. The authors have identified the critical subject areas needed for analysis of thermal systems, and provided them in a text of manageable size. A flexible organization gives instructors choices in the coverage they provide their students.

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  • 1. What is Thermal Systems Engineering?
    2. Getting Started in Thermodynamics: Introductory Concepts & Definitions.
    3. Using Energy and the First Law of Thermodynamics.
    4. Evaluating Properties.
    5. Control Volume Analysis Using Energy.
    6. The Second Law of Thermodynamics.
    7. Using Entropy.
    8. Vapor Power and Refrigeration Systems.
    9. Gas Power Systems.
    10. Psychrometric Applications (CD only).
    11. Getting Started in Fluid Mechanics: Fluid Statics.
    12. The Momentum and Mechanical Energy Equations.
    13. Similitudes, Dimensional Analysis and Modeling.
    14. Viscous Flow in Pipes and Over Immersed Bodies.
    15. Gettign Started in Heat Transfer: Heat Transfer Modes and Their Rate Equations.
    16. Heat Transfer by Conduction.
    17. Heat Transfer by Convection.
    18. Heat Transfer by Radiation.

    Appendix. Tables, Figures, and Charts.
  • Citation

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