The Principles of Thermodynamics – N.D. Hari Dass – 1st Edition


This text presents the conceptual and technical developments of the subject without unduly compromising neither the historical perspective nor the logic. It also covers the wide range of scientifically deep and technologically revolutionary thermodynamic applications. The text explains how terminodynamics evolved from a few basic laws.

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  • - The Beginnings
    - First Law—The E = Mc 2 of Thermodynamics
    - The Second and Third Laws
    - Carnot Cycles - The Turing Machines of Thermodynamics
    - Specific Heats: Magnificent Bridges
    - Structure of Thermodynamic Theories
    - Thermodynamic Potentials and Maxwell Relations
    - Magnetic Systems
    - Dilute Solutions
    - Phases and Their Equilibria
    - The Clapeyron Equation
    - The van der Waals Equation
    - The Critical Point
    - Approach to Absolute Zero
    - Entropy Constants
    - Some Mathematical Aspects of Thermodynamics
  • Citation
    • Full Title: The Principles of Thermodynamics
    • Author/s:
    • ISBN-13: 9780429185199
    • Edition: 1st Edition
    • Topic: Physics
    • Subtopic: Thermodynamics
    • File Type: eBook
    • Idioma: English

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