Fundamental of Electric Circuits – Charles Alexander, Matthew Sadiku – 3rd Edition


Electrical Engineering is an exciting and challenging course. The primary objective of this book is to present circuit analysis in a manner more interesting and easier to understand. The authors have been successful in doing this by means of their special chapter openers and summaries, unique step-by-step problem solving methodology, student friendly writing style and variety of problems. The computer tools given in the book also enable the students gain a sound knowledge about the circuits.

Over 300 new homework problems have been added to the new edition, with over 1800 total problems provided in the text.

“Enhancing Your Skills” and “Enhancing Your Career” chapter openers provide discussions about how to enhance skills that contribute to successful problem-solving, and career-oriented talks on a subdiscipline of electrical engineering to give students a sense of the real-world applications of electrical engineering.

Knowledge Capturing Integrated Design Environment (KCIDE) software provided on the Online Learning Center leads students through end of chapter problems using the six-step problem solving method, and keeps a record for how problems are solved so students can share and check their work. An appendix on KCIDE has been added to the text.

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  • Part 1 DC Circuits

    1 Basic Concepts
    2 Basic Laws
    3 Methods of Analysis
    4 Circuit Theorems
    5 Operational Amplifiers
    6 Capacitors and Inductors
    7 First-Order Circuits
    8 Second-Order Circuits

    Part 2 AC Circuits

    9 Sinusoids and Phasors
    10 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
    11 AC Power Analysis
    12 Three-Phase Circuits
    13 Magnetically Coupled Circuits
    14 Frequency Response

    Part 3 Advanced Circuit Analysis

    15 Introduction to the Laplace Transform
    16 Applications of the Laplace Transform
    17 The Fourier Series
    18 Fourier Transform
    19 Two-Port Networks

    Appendix A Simultaneous Equations and Matrix Inversion
    Appendix B Complex Numbers
    Appendix C Mathematical Formulas
    Appendix D KCIDE
    Appendix E Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems
  • Citation

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