Chemical Analysis: Modern Instrumentation Methods and Techniques – Francis Rouessac, Annick Rouessac – 2nd Edition


Completely revised and updated, Chemical Analysis: Second Edition is an essential introduction to a wide range of analytical techniques and instruments. Assuming little in the way of prior knowledge, this text carefully guides the reader through the more widely used and important techniques, whilst avoiding excessive technical detail.

– Provides a thorough introduction to a wide range of the most important and widely used instrumental techniques.
– Maintains a careful balance between depth and breadth of coverage.
– Includes examples, problems and their solutions.
– Includes coverage of latest developments including supercritical fluid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis.

This is a classic book in a fast-moving subject area and therefore a revision at this stage is essential. Over the past few years there have been several key developments on the field, for example some of the more traditional techniques covered in the current edition are no longer included in the more modern analytical modules. More modern techniques such as SEM, SIMS, XPS, ESEM should now be included in a new edition.

The authors will include up-to-date developments in the field including the latest techniques, further applications and the inclusion of more problems and solutions throughout the book.

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  • Part 1. Separation methods.
    Chapter 1. General aspects of chromatography.
    Chapter 2. Gas chromatography.
    Chapter 3. High-performance liquid chromatography00.
    Chapter 4. Ion chromatography.
    Chapter 5. Thin layer chromatography.
    Chapter 6. Supercritical fluid chromatography 000.
    Chapter 7. Size exclusion chromatography.
    Chapter 8. Capillary electrophoresis and electrochromatography.

    Part 2. Spectroscopic methods.
    Chapter 9. Ultraviolet and visible absorption spectroscopy.
    Chapter 10. Infrared spectroscopy.
    Chapter 11. Fluorimetry and chemiluminescence.
    Chapter 12. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry.
    Chapter 13. Atomic absorption and flame emission spectroscopy.
    Chapter 14. Atomic emission spectroscopy
    Chapter 15. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

    Part 3. Other methods.
    Chapter 16. Mass spectrometry.
    Chapter 17. Labelling methods.
    Chapter 18. Elemental analysis.
    Chapter 19. Potentiometric methods.
    Chapter 20. Voltammetric and coulometric methods.
    Chapter 21. Sample treatment.
    Chapter 22. Basic statistical parameters.

    Appendix - List of acronyms.
    Table of physico-chemical constants.
  • Citation

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