Mechanical Engineer’s Pocket Book – Roger Timings – 3rd Edition


The Newnes Mechanical Engineer’s Pocket Book is a comprehensive collection of data for mechanical engineers and students of mechanical engineering. Bringing together the data and information that is required to-hand when designing, making or repairing mechanical devices and systems, it has been revised to keep pace with changes in technology and standards. The Pocket Book emphasises current engineering practice and is supported by clear accounts of the fundamental principles of mechanical engineering.

Key features include the latest BSI engineering data; focus on engineering design issues; enhanced coverage of roller chain drives, pneumatic and hydraulic systems; and expanded and more accessible detail on statics, dynamics and mathematics.

Key Features

  • Over 300 pages of new material, including the latest standards information from BSI
  • Exhaustive collection of data for mechanical engineers and students of mechanical engineering
  • Unique emphasis on engineering design, theory, materials and properties
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  • 1: Engineering Mathematics
    1.1 The Greek alphabet
    1.2 Mathematical symbols
    1.3 Units: SI
    1.4 Conversion factors for units
    1.5 Preferred numbers
    1.6 Mensuration
    1.6.2 Solid objects
    1.7 Powers, roots and reciprocals
    1.8 Progressions
    1.9 Trigonometric formulae
    2: Engineering Statics

    2.1 Engineering statics
    2.2 Mass, force and weight
    2.3 Vector diagrams of forces: graphical solution
    2.4 Moments of forces, centre of gravity and centroids of areas
    2.5 Orders of levers
    2.6 Centre of gravity, centroid of areas and equilibrium
    2.7 Friction
    2.8 Stress and strain
    2.9 Beams
    2.10 Stress, strain and deflections in beams
    2.11 Frameworks
    2.12 Hydrostatic pressure
    3: Engineering Dynamics

    3.1 Engineering dynamics
    3.2 Work
    3.3 Energy
    3.4 Power
    3.5 Efficiency
    3.6 Velocity and acceleration
    3.7 Angular motion
    3.8 Balancing rotating masses
    3.9 Relative velocities
    3.10 Kinematics
    3.11 Kinetics
    3.12 Simple harmonic motion
    3.13 Fluid dynamics
    4: Fastenings

    4.1 Screwed fastenings
    4.2 Riveted joints
    4.3 Self-secured joints
    4.4 Miscellaneous fasteners
    4.5 Adhesive bonding of metals
    5: Power Transmission

    5.1 Power transmission: gear drives
    5.2 Power transmission: belt drives
    5.3 Power transmission: chain drives
    5.4 Powertransmission:shafts
    5.5 Tapers
    5.6 Fluid power transmission systems
    6: Engineering Materials

    6.1 Mechanical properties
    6.2 Ferrous metals and alloys
    6.3 Non-ferrous metals and alloys
    6.4 Metallic material sizes
    6.5 Polymeric (plastic) materials
    7: Linear and Geometric Tolerancing of Dimensions

    7.1 Linear tolerancing
    7.2 Standard systems of limits and fits (introduction)
    7.3 Geometric tolerancing
    7.4 Virtual size
    7.5 The economics of geometrical tolerancing
    8: Computer-Aided Engineering

    8.1 Computer numerical control
    8.2 Computer-aided design
    8.3 Industrial robots
    Appendix 1: BSI Standards: Sales Order and Enquiry Contacts

    Customer services
    Information centre
    Membership services
    Translations and language services
    Library services
    Electronic products help desk
    Ordering BSI publications
    Members’ order hotline
    Priority service
    Sales outlets
    Information centre
    Membership services
    Translations and language services
    BSI print on demand policy
    BSI standards
    Customer services
    Membership administration
    Information centre
    BSI quality assurance
    BSI testing
    BSI product certification
    BSI training services
    BSI global

    Appendix 2: Library Sets of British Standards in the UK
    Appendix 3: Contributing Companies
    Appendix 4: Useful References
  • Citation

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