Engineering Design – G. Dieter, L. Schmidt – 4th Edition


Dieter’s Engineering Design represents a major update of this classic textbook for senior design courses. As in previous editions, Engineering Design provides a broader overview of topics than most design texts and contains much more prescriptive guidance on how to carry out design.

Dieter focuses on material selection as well as how to implement the design process. Engineering Design provides the senior mechanical engineering students with a realistic understanding of the design process. It is written from the viewpoint that design is the central activity of the engineering profession, and it is more concerned with developing attitudes and approaches than in presenting design techniques and tools.

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  • Engineering desing
    Product development process
    Problem definition and need identification
    Team behavior and tools
    Gathering information
    Concepts generation
    Decision making and concept selection
    Embodiment design
    Detail design
    Design for sustainability and the environment
    Materials selection
    Design with materials
    Design for manufacturing
    Risk, reliability, and safety
    Quality, robust design, and optimization
    Economic decision making
    Cost evaluation
    Legal and ethical Issues in enggineering
  • Citation

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