Mechanical Engineer´s Handbook – Dan B. Marghitu – 1st Edition


The Mechanical Engineer’s Handbook was developed and written specifically to fill a need for mechanical engineers and mechanical engineering students. With over 1000 pages, 550 illustrations, and 26 tables the Mechanical Engineer’s Handbook is comprehensive, compact and durable. The Handbook covers major areas of mechanical engineering with succinct coverage of the definitions, formulas, examples, theory, proofs, and explanations of all principle subject areas.

The Handbook is an essential, practical companion for all mechanical engineering students with core coverage of nearly all relevant courses included. Also, anyone preparing for the engineering licensing examinations will find this handbook to be an invaluable aid. Useful analytical techniques provide the student and practicing engineer with powerful tools for mechanical design.

This book is designed to be a portable reference with a depth of coverage not found in “pocketbooks” of formulas and definitions and without the verbosity, high price, and excessive size of the huge encyclopedic handbooks. If an engineer needs a quick reference for a wide array of information, yet does not have a full library of textbooks or does not want to spend the extra time and effort necessary to search and carry a six pound handbook, this book is for them.

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  • Static Vector algebra Centroids and surface properties Moments and couples Balance Dry friction

    Fundamentals of dynamics Kinematic of a point Dynamic of a partition Flat kinematics of a rigid body Dynamic of a rigid body

    Mechanics of materials Stress Deflection and rigidity Fatigue

    Theory of mechanisms Fundamentals Position analysis Speed ​​and acceleration analysis Kinetostatics

    Machine components Screws Gears Springs Bearings Lubrication and sliding bearings

    Theory of vibration Introduction Linear systems with one degree of freedom Linear systems with finite numbers of degrees of freedom Vibrations machine-tool

    Heat transfer Heat transfer Heat transfer Heat transfer Heat transfer Heat transfer

    Fluid Dynamics Fluids Fundamentals Hydraulics

    Control Introduction Signals Transfer functions Connection of elements Poles and zeros Stable state error Time-Domain Performance Frequency-Performances of domain Stability of linear feedback systems Design of closed-loop control systems by Pole-Zero Methods of control of control systems closed loop by frequent methods Models of state variables Non-linear controllers of nonlinear systems by linearization of feedback Slider
    Appendix: Differential equations and systems of differential equations
  • Citation

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