Mechanical Engineers Reference Book – Edward H. Smith – 12th Edition


This new edition provides qualified engineers with sufficient information to identify the basic principles of a subject and to be directed to further reading if required.

Eighteen chapters discuss topics such as mechanical engineering, electrical and electronics principles; computers; materials, properties and selection; mechanics of solids; tribology; power units and transmission; fuels and combustion; alternative energy sources; nuclear, offshore, and plant engineering; manufacturing methods; mathematics; health and safety; and units, symbols and constants. 153 Digitized Graphs and 7 Interactive Tables have recently been added.

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  • 1. Mechanical Engineering Principles
    2. Electrical and Electronics Principles
    3. Microprocessors, Instrumentation and Control
    4. Computers and Their Application
    5. Computer-Integrated Engineering Systems
    6. Design Standards
    7. Materials, Properties and Selection
    8. Mechanics of Solids
    9. Tribology
    10. Power Units and Transmission
    11. Fuels and Combustion
    12. Alternative Energy Sources
    13. Nuclear Engineering
    14. Offshore Engineering
    15. Plant Engineering
    16. Manufacturing Methods
    17. Engineering Mathematics
    18. Health and Safety
    19. Units, Symbols and Constants
  • Citation

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