Engineering Mechanics – S. Timoshenko, D. H. Young, J. V. Rao – 4th Edition


This book is the product of more than half a century of innovation in engineering mechanics education. When the first edition of engineering mechanics by S. Timoshenko and D.H. Young appeared in 1937, it was revolutionary among engineering mechanics textbooks with its emphasis on the fundamental principles of mechanics and how to apply them.

The success of engineering mechanics with generations of students and educcators throughout the world is a testament to the merits of this approach. In this revised fourth edition, SI units, wich are most frequently used in mechanics, are introduced in chapter 1.

The content of the book is somewhat wider than can be covered in two courses of three semester hours or five quarter hours each. At the end of the discussion of statics, for example, there is a chapter on the principle of virtual work. The use of this principle results in great simplification in the solution of certain problems of statics, and it seems desirable to acquaint the student with its possibilities. At the end of the discussion of dynamics, there is a short chapter on relative motion, together with applications to engineering problems.

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  • Chapter 1: Introduction
    Chapter 2: Concurrent forces in a plane
    Chapter 3: Parallel forces in a plane
    Chapter 4: General case of forces in a plane
    Chapter 5: Force systems in space
    Chapter 6: Principle of virtual work
    Chapter 7: Rectilinear translation
    Chapter 8: Curvilinear translation
    Chapter 9: Rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis
    Chapter 10: Plane motion of a rigid body
    Chapter 11: Relative motion
  • Citation

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