The Materials Science of Semiconductors – Angus Rockett – 1st Edition


The Materials Science of Semiconductors serves as a general textbook on semiconductors, and discusses semiconductors in detail, from the fundamental basis for their electronic structure to engineering of alloys and the effects of defects. Written for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in the hard sciences, this book covers the materials science of semiconductors rather than focusing on electronic devices as a primary topic.

The Materials Science of Semiconductors is focused on classical concepts of materials physics (including band theory), alloy design, defects and their physics, organic electronic materials, amorphous semiconductors, and thin film growth methods. This textbook includes a discussion of organic materials concepts and applications for light emitting and switching devices, and also covers the major methods for processing semiconductors from Czochralsky growth to atomic-layer deposition. Unlike other books on semiconductors, this book discusses how band structures are developed and gives a detailed calculation technique based on the LCAO method, without any significant reliance on a background in quantum mechanics.

The Materials Science of Semiconductors is dedicated to presenting fundamental concepts in a manner that is accessible to students without a background in physics or quantum mechanics. Each chapter includes current applications, particularly in optoelectronics, along with recommended readings and homework problems.

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  • Semiconductor Alloys 237-287
    Defects in Semiconductors 289-356
    Amorphous Semiconductors 357-393
    Organic Semiconductors 395-453
    Physical Vapor Deposition 505-572
  • Citation

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