CRC Materials Science and Engineering Handbook – James F. Shackelford, William Alexander – 3rd Edition


The CRC Materials Science and Engineering Handbook, Third Edition is the most comprehensive source available for data on engineering materials. Organized in an easy-to-follow format based on materials properties, this definitive reference features data verified through major professional societies in the materials field, such as ASM International and the American Ceramic Society. The third edition has been significantly expanded, most notably by the addition of new tabular material for a wide range of nonferrous alloys and various composite materials.

For engineers making, selecting, or evaluating materials, this one, compact volume provides the ideal starting point. It is exceptionally easy to search-the authors have organized it according to materials properties, provided a key word indexing system, and placed many data sets in a convenient Selection Section where materials can be compared by property value, a feature ideal for design applications.

A bestseller since its first edition, the CRC Materials Science and Engineering Handbook stands alone as a the consummate reference for data on the full spectrum of engineering materials.

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  • Structure of Materials
    Composition of Materials
    Phase Diagram Sources
    Thermodynamic and Kinetic Data
    Thermal Properties of Materials
    Mechanical Properties of Materials
    Electrical Properties of Materials
    Optical Properties of Materials
    Chemical Properties of Materials
    Selecting Structural Properties
    Selecting Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties
    Selecting Thermal Properties
    Selecting Mechanical Properties
    Selecting Electrical Properties
    Selecting Optical Properties
    Selecting Chemical Properties
  • Citation

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