Mechanical Behavior of Materials – Norman E. Dowling – 3rd Edition


Primarily for use in upper level undergraduate engineering courses in Mechanical Behavior of Materials. With an eye on new technology and a concern for safety and durability in engineering design, this book covers the entire area of mechanical behavior of materials from a practical engineering viewpoint, providing a single-source introductory analysis with specific coverage on materials testing, yield criteria, stress-based fatigue, fracture mechanics, crack growth, strain-based fatigue, and creep.

It is ideal for students who have completed elementary mechanics of materials and who need to study practical engineering methods for analyzing parts of machines, vehicles, and structures to determine if trial designs or existing parts are adequate enough to ensure the components’ strength and durability.

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  • 1. Introduction.
    2. Structure and Deformation in Materials.
    3. A Survey of Engineering Materials.
    4. Mechanical Testing: Tension Test and Other Basic Tests.
    5. Stress-Strain Relationships and Behavior.
    6. Review of Complex and Principal States of Stress and Strain.
    7. Yielding and Fracture under Combined Stresses.
    8. Fracture of Cracked Members.
    9. Fatigue of Materials: Introduction and Stress-Based Approach.
    10. Stress-Based Approach to Fatigue: Notched Members.
    11. Fatigue Crack Growth.
    12. Plastic Deformation Behavior and Models for Materials.
    13. Stress-Strain Analysis of Plastically Deforming Members.
    14. Strain-Based Approach to Fatigue.
    15. Time-Dependent Behavior: Creep and Damping.
    Appendix A: Review of Selected Topics from Mechanics of Materials.
    Appendix B: Statistical Variation in Materials Properties.
  • Citation

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