Mecánica De Materiales – Russell C. Hibbeler – 5th Edition


This text provides a clear, comprehensive presentation of both the theory and applications of mechanics of materials. It examines the physical behavior of materials under load, then proceeds to model this behavior to development theory.

This book is intended to provide the student with a clear and thorough presentation of both the theory and application of the fundamental principles of mechanics of materials. Understanding is based on the explanation of the physical behavior of materials under load and then modeling this behavior to develop the theory. Emphasis is placed on the importance of satisfying equilibrium, compatibility of deformation, and material behavior requirements.

The “procedure for analysis” sections, along with a new feature, “important points,” are presented using a bulleted list format in order to aid in problem solving and review. Also, clarity throughout n the text has been improved, and new examples have been provided. Photographs. Many new photographs are used throughout the book to explain how the principles of mechanics of materials apply to real-world situations. In some sections they show how materials deform or fail under load in order to provide a better understanding of the terms and concepts.

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  • 1. Stress.
    2. Strain.
    3. Mechanical Properties of Materials.
    4. Axial Load.
    5. Torsion.
    6. Bending.
    7. Transverse Shear.
    8. Combined Loadings.
    9. Stress Transformation.
    10. Strain Transformation.
    11. Design of Beams and Shafts.
    12. Deflections of Beams and Shafts.
    13. Buckling of Columns.
    14. Energy Methods.

    Appendix A: Geometric Properties of an Area.
    Appendix B: Geometrical Properties of Structural Shapes.
    Appendix C: Slopes and Definitions of Beams.
    Appendix D: Review for the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam.
  • Citation

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