Engineering Materials Vol. 2 – Michael F. Ashby, David R. Jones – 2nd Edition


Materials are evolving faster today than at any time in history. As a consequence the engineer must be more aware of materials and their potential than ever before. In comparing the properties of competing materials with precision involves an understanding of the basic properties of materials, how they are controlled by processing, formed, joined and finished and of the chain of reasoning that leads to a successful choice. This book will provide the reader with this understanding.

Materials are grouped into four classes: Metals, Ceramics, Polymers and Composites, and each are examined in turn. The chapters are arranged in groups, with a group of chapters to describe each of the four classes of materials. Each group first of all introduces the major families of materials that go to make up each materials class. The main microstructural features of the class are then outlined and the reader is shown how to process or treat them to get the structures (properties) that are wanted. Each group of chapters is illustrated by Case Studies designed to help the reader understand the basic material.

This book has been written as a second level course for engineering students. It provides a concise introduction to the microstructures and processing of materials and shows how these are related to the properties required in engineering design.

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  • General Introduction
    Metals: Metals
    Metal Structures
    Equilibrium Constitution and Phase Diagrams
    Case Studies in Phase Diagrams
    The Driving Force for Structural Change
    Kinetics of Structural Change: I - Diffusive Transformations
    Kinetics of Structural Change: II - Nucleation
    Kinetics of Structural Change: III - Displacive Transformations
    Case Studies in Phase Transformations
    The Light Alloys
    Steels: I - Carbon Steels
    Steels: II - Alloy Steels
    Case Studies in Steels
    Production, Forming and Joining of Metals
    Ceramics and Glasses: Ceramics and Glasses
    Structure of Ceramics
    The Mechanical Properties of Ceramics
    The Statistics of Brittle Fracture and Case Study
    Production, Forming and Joining of Ceramics
    Special Topic: Cements and Concretes
    Polymers and Composites: Polymers
    The Structure of Polymers
    Mechanical Behaviour of Polymers
    Production, Forming and Joining of Polymers
    Composites: Fibrous, Particulate and Foamed
    Special Topic: Wood
    Designing with Metals, Ceramics, Polymers and Composites: Design with Materials
    Case Studies in Design.

    Appendix 1 - Teaching Yourself Phase Diagrams
    Appendix 2 - Symbols and Formulae
  • Citation

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