Electrical and Electronic: Principles and Technology – Jhon Bird – 3rd Edition


In this book John Bird introduces electrical principles and technology through examples rather than theory – enabling students to develop a sound understanding of the principles needed by technicians in fields such as electrical engineering, electronics and telecommunications. No previous background in engineering is assumed, making this an ideal text for vocational courses at Level 2 and 3, foundation degree and introductory courses for undergraduates.

The book presents a logical topic progression rather than following the structure of a particular syllabus. However, the coverage of this new edition has been brought fully in line with the electrical and electronics units of the 2007 BTEC National specification. It is also designed to cover the requirements of the BTEC First specifications.

New material in this third edition includes brand new chapters on semiconductor diodes and transistors as well as added sections on batteries, fuel cells and alternative and renewable energies, relative and absolute voltages, self and mutual inductance, and virtual test and measuring instruments.

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  • Preface

    1 Units associated with basic electrical quantities
    2 An introduction to electric circuits
    3 Resistance variation
    4 Batteries and alternative spruces of energy
    5 Series and parallel networks
    6 capacitors and capacitance
    7 Magnetic circuits
    8 Electromagnetism
    9 Electromagnetic inductions
    10 electrical measuring instruments and measurements
    11 Semiconductor diodes
    12 Transistors
    13 D.C. circuit theory
    14 Alternating voltages and currents
    15 Single-phase series a,c circuits
    16 Single-phase parallel a.c circuits
    17 Filter networks
    18 D, C transients
    19 Operational amplifiers
    20 Three-phase systems
    21 Transformers
    22 D.C machines
    23 Three-phase induction motors

  • Citation

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