Electric Circuits – James W. Nilsson – 10th Edition


The first edition of Electric Circuits, an introductory circuits text, was published in 1983. It included 100 worked examples and about 600 problems. It did not include a student workbook, supplements for PSpice or MultiSim, or any web support. Support for instructors was limited to a solution manual for the problems and enlarged copies of many text figures, suitable for making transparencies.

Much has changed in the 31 years since Electric Circuits first appeared, and during that time this text has evolved to better meet the needs of both students and their instructors. As an example, the text now includes about 150 worked examples, about 1850 problems, and extensive supplements and web content. The tenth edition is designed to revise and improve the material presented in the text, in its supplements, and on the web. Yet the fundamental goals of the text are unchanged.

Designed for use in a one or two-semester Introductory Circuit Analysis or Circuit Theory Course taught in Electrical or Computer Engineering Departments. Electric Circuits 10/e is the most widely used introductory circuits textbook of the past 25 years. As this book has evolved to meet the changing learning styles of students, the underlying teaching approaches and philosophies remain unchanged.

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  • Brief Contents
    List of Examples

    Chapter 1 Circuit Variables
    Chapter 2 Circuit Elements
    Chapter 3 Simple Resistive Circuits
    Chapter 4 Techniques of Circuit Analysis
    Chapter 5 The Operational Amplifier
    Chapter 6 Inductance, Capacitance, and Mutual Inductance
    Chapter 7 Response of First-Order RL and RC Circuits
    Chapter 8 Natural and Step Responses of RLC Circuits
    Chapter 9 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
    Chapter 10 Sinusoidal Steady-State Power Calculations
    Chapter 11 Balanced Three-Phase Circuits
    Chapter 12 Introduction to the Laplace Transform
    Chapter 13 The Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
    Chapter 14 Introduction to Frequency Selective Circuits
    Chapter 15 Active Filter Circuits
    Chapter 16 Fourier Series
    Chapter 17 The Fourier Transform
    Chapter 18 Two-Port Circuits

    Appendix A The Solution of Linear Simultaneous Equations
    Appendix B Complex Numbers
    Appendix C More on Magnetically Coupled Coils and Ideal Transformers
    Appendix D The Decibel
    Appendix E Bode Diagrams
    Appendix F An Abbreviated Table of Trigonometric Identities
    Appendix G An Abbreviated Table of Integrals
    Appendix H Common Standard Component Values

    Answers to Selected Problems

  • Citation

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