Electric Machinery Fundamentals – Stephen Chapman – 4th Edition


Electric Machinery Fundamentals continues to be a best-selling machinery text due to its accessible, student-friendly coverage of the important topics in the field. Chapman’s clear writing persists in being one of the top features of the book.

Although not a book on MATLAB, the use of MATLAB has been enhanced in the fourth edition. Chapman has also added some new applications, as well as many new problems have been added. Electric Machinery Fundamentals is also accompanied by a website the provides solutions for instructors, as well as source code, MATLAB tools, and links to important sites for students.

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  • Chapter 1. Introduction to the principles of machines
    Chapter 2. Transformers
    Chapter 3. Introduction to power electronics
    Chapter 4. Basic principles of AC machines (ac)
    Chapter 5. Synchronous generators
    Chapter 6. Synchronous Motors
    Chapter 7. Induction Motors
    Chapter 8. Fundamentals of direct current (CD) machines
    Chapter 9. Direct current motors and generators
    Chapter 10. Single-phase and special-purpose motors

    Appendix A. Three-phase circuits
    Appendix B. Coil pitch and distributed windings
    Appendix C. Outboard poles theory of synchronous machines
    Appendix D. Constant tables and conversion factors
  • Citation

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