The Thermodynamics of Phase and Reaction Equilibria – Ismail Tosun – 1st Edition


This book provides a solid foundation for understanding abstract concepts of phase and reaction equilibria (eg, energy, fugacity, and Gibbs activity of partial molars) and shows how to apply these concepts to solve practical problems using numerous clear examples.
It also presents the numerical methods necessary to solve real world problems, as well as the necessary basic mathematics, facilitating its use as a reference work of self-learning. In the example of problems that require MATHCAD® for the solution, the results of the intermediate steps are provided, which allows the reader to easily track the errors and understand the order of magnitude of the different quantities involved.

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  • Dedication
    Chapter 1. Review of the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics
    1.1 Definitions
    1.2 Concepts of the “Abstract World” of Thermodynamics
    1.3 Work
    1.4 Paths Followed During a Process
    1.5 The First Law of Thermodynamics
    1.6 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
    Chapter 2. Thermodynamic Properties of Real Substances
    2.1 Work Functions
    2.2 Thermodynamic Properties of a Single-Phase System
    Chapter 3. Calculation of Changes in Internal Energy, Enthalpy, and Entropy
    3.1 Equations of State
    3.2 Calculation of the Change in Internal Energy
    3.3 Calculation of the Change in Enthalpy
    3.4 Calculation of the Change in Entropy
    3.5 The Principle of Corresponding States
    3.6 Departure Functions
    3.7 Which Equation of State to Use?
    Chapter 4. Equilibrium and Phase Stability in One-Component Systems
    4.1 Equilibrium Criteria for Closed Systems
    4.2 Equilibrium Criteria for Open Systems
    4.3 Phase Stability
    Chapter 5. Fugacity of a Pure Component
    5.1 Molar Gibbs Energy of a Pure Ideal Gas
    5.2 Definition of Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient
    5.3 Fugacity of a Pure Gas
    5.4 Fugacity of a Pure Liquid
    5.5 Fugacity of a Pure Solid
    5.6 Phase Transitions and Equilibrium Criteria
    5.7 Analysis of Phase Diagrams Using Stability Criteria
    5.8 Variation of Fugacity with Pressure and Temperature
    Chapter 6. Thermodynamics of Mixtures
    6.1 Equations of State for Mixtures
    6.2 Partial Molar Property
    6.3 Property Changes on Mixing
    6.4 The Gibbs-Duhem Equation
    Chapter 7. Fugacity of a Component in a Mixture
    7.1 Fundamental Equations for a Multicomponent Mixture
    7.2 Partial Molar Gibbs Energy of an Ideal Gas Mixture
    7.3 Fugacity of a Component in a Mixture
    7.4 Ideal Mixture
    7.5 Calculation of Component Fugacities in a Gas Mixture
    7.6 Calculation of Component Fugacities in a Liquid Mixture
    7.7 Variation of Component Fugacity with Pressure and Temperature
    7.8 The Use of Fugacity in Phase Equilibrium Calculations
    Chapter 8. Excess Mixture Properties and Activity Coefficients
    8.1 Property Changes on Mixing for an Ideal Mixture
    8.2 Excess Properties
    8.3 Activity and Activity Coefficient
    8.4 Binary Activity Coefficient Models
    8.5 Regular Mixture
    8.6 UNIFAC
    8.7 Infinite Dilution Activity Coefficients
    8.8 Testing Consistency of Experimental Data
    8.9 Concluding Remarks
    Chapter 9. Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium
    9.1 Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Calculations
    9.2 Raoult’s Law
    9.3 VLE Calculations When Raoult’s Law is Applicable
    9.4 VLE Calculations by Numerical Techniques
    9.5 VLE Calculations for Nonideal Liquid Mixtures
    9.6 Positive and Negative Deviations from Raoult’s Law
    9.7 Relative Volatility
    9.8 VLE Calculations Using the Equation of State
    Chapter 10. Solubility of Gases in Liquids
    10.1 Henry’s Law
    10.2 Factors Affecting Gas Solubility
    10.3 Applications of Henry’s Law
    Chapter 11. Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium
    11.1 Mathematical Preliminaries
    11.2 Stability of Liquid Mixtures
    11.3 Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium Calculations
    11.4 Liquid-Liquid Extraction
    11.5 Applications of Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium
    Chapter 12. Solid-Liquid Equilibrium
    12.1 Equilibrium Between a Pure Solid and a Liquid Mixture
    12.2 Colligative Properties
    Chapter 13. Chemical Reaction Equilibrium
    13.1 Stoichiometry of a Chemical Reaction
    13.2 The Law of Combining Proportions
    13.3 Equilibrium for a Single Reaction
    13.4 Evaluation of the Equilibrium Constant
    13.5 Gas Phase Reactions
    13.6 Liquid (or Solid) Phase Reactions
    13.7 An Alternative Way of Calculating Equilibrium Composition
    Chapter 14. Heterogeneous Reactions and Multireaction Equilibria
    14.1 Heterogeneous Reactions
    14.2 Multiple Chemical Reactions
    14.3 Determination of Independent Reactions From The Given Species
    14.4 The Enthalpy and Gibbs Energy Change of Reaction
    14.5 Carbon Formation
    14.6 The Inverse Problem
    14.7 Chemical Equilibrium Calculations by the Minimization of Gibbs Energy
    Appendix A. Critical Constants and Acentric Factors
    Compiled From
    Appendix B. Heat Capacity of Ideal Gases
    Compiled From
    Appendix C. Antoine Constants
    Compiled From
    Appendix D. Corresponding States Using the Lee-Kesler Equation of State
    Compressibility Factor
    Enthalpy Departure Function
    Entropy Departure Function
    Appendix E. Enthalpy and Gibbs Energy of Formation at 298 K and 1bar
    Compiled From
    Appendix F. Matrices
    F.1 Matrix Definition
    F.2 Types of Matrices
    F.3 Matrix Algebra
    F.4 Determinants
    F.5 Special Matrices
    F.6 Linear Dependence
    Appendix G. Databanks, Simulation Programs, Books, Websites
    Simulation Programs
  • Citation
    • Full Title: The Thermodynamics of Phase and Reaction Equilibria
    • Author/s:
    • ISBN-13: 9780444595027
    • ISBN-13: 9781493302444
    • Edition: 1st Edition
    • Publication date: 2012
    • Topic: Physics
    • Subtopic: Thermodynamics
    • File Type: eBook
    • Idioma: English

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