Heat and Thermodynamics – Mark W. Zemansky, Richard H. Dittman – 7th Edition


This respected text deals with large-scale, easily known thermal phenomena and then proceeds to small-scale, less accessible phenomena. The wide range of mathematics used in Dittman and Zemansky’s text simultaneously challenges students who have completed a course in impartial differential calculus without alienating those students who have only taken a calculus-based general physics course. Examples of calculations are presented shortly after important formulas are derived.

Students see the solutions of problems related to the formulas. Actual thermodynamic experiments are explained in detail. The student sees the applicability of abstract thermodynamic concepts and formulas to real situations.

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    1. Fundamental concepts.
    2. temperature and the zeroth law of thermodynamics.
    3. simple thermodynamics systems.
    4. work.
    5. heat and the first law of thermodynamics.
    6. ideal gas.
    7. the second law of thermodynamics.
    8. the carnot cycle and the thermodynamic temperature scale.
    9. entropy.
    10. pure substances.
    11. mathematical methods.
    12. open systems.
    13. applications of fundamental concepts.
    14. statistical mechanics.
    15. thermal properties of solids.
    16. critical phenomena.
    17. higher-order phase tranistions.
    18. chemical equilibrium.
    19. ideal-gas reactions.
    20. heterogeneous systems.

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