The Computer Engineering Handbook – Vojin G. Oklobdzija – 1st Edition


There is arguably no field in greater need of a comprehensive handbook than computer engineering. The unparalleled rate of technological advancement, the explosion of computer applications, and the now-in-progress migration to a wireless world have made it difficult for engineers to keep up with all the developments in specialties outside their own. References published only a few years ago are now sorely out of date.

The Computer Engineering Handbook changes all of that. Under the leadership of Vojin Oklobdzija and a stellar editorial board, some of the industry’s foremost experts have joined forces to create what promises to be the definitive resource for computer design and engineering. Instead of focusing on basic, introductory material, it forms a comprehensive, state-of-the-art review of the field’s most recent achievements, outstanding issues, and future directions.

The world of computer engineering is vast and evolving so rapidly that what is cutting-edge today may be obsolete in a few months. While exploring the new developments, trends, and future directions of the field, The Computer Engineering Handbook captures what is fundamental and of lasting value.

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  • Section I: Fabrication and technology
    Section II: Computer systems and architecture
    Section III: Design techniques
    Section IV: Design for low power
    Section V: Embedded applications
    Section VI: Signal processing
    Section VII: Communications and networks
    Section VIII: Input/Output
    Section IX: Operating system
    Section X: New directions in computing
    Section XI: Testing and design for testability
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