Quantitative Analysis for Management – Barry Render – 10th Edition


Easy to understand-even for learners with limited math backgrounds, this book uses a modeling approach to provide thorough coverage of the basic techniques in quantitative methods and focuses on the managerial applications of these techniques. An interesting and reader friendly writing style makes for a clear presentation, complete with all the necessary assumptions and mathematical details.

Render/Stair/Hanna puts an emphasis on model building and computer applications to show students how the techniques presented in the book are used in business.

Chapter topics include probability concepts and applications, decision models and decision trees, regression models, forecasting, inventory control models, linear programming modeling applications and computer analyses, network models, project management, simulation modeling, and more.

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  • CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Quantitative Analysis
    CHAPTER 2 Probability Concepts and Applications
    CHAPTER 3 Decision Analysis
    CHAPTER 4 Regression Models
    CHAPTER 5 Forecasting
    CHAPTER 6 Inventory Control Models
    CHAPTER 7 Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods
    CHAPTER 8 Linear Programming Modeling Applications: With Computer Analyses in Excel and QM for Windows
    CHAPTER 9 Linear Programming: The Simplex Method
    CHAPTER 10 Transportation and Assignment Models
    CHAPTER 11 Integer Programming, Goal Programming, and Nonlinear Programming
    CHAPTER 12 Network Models
    CHAPTER 13 Project Management
    CHAPTER 14 Waiting Lines and Queuing Theory Models
    CHAPTER 15 Simulation Modeling
    CHAPTER 16 Markov Analysis
    CHAPTER 17 Statistical Quality Control
  • Citation

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