Operations Research an Introduction – Hamdy A. Taha – 8th Edition


For junior/senior undergraduate and first-year graduate courses in Operations Research in departments of Industrial Engineering, Business Administration, Statistics, Computer Science, and Mathematics.

Significantly revised, this text streamlines the coverage of the theory, applications, and computations of operations research. Numerical examples are effectively used to explain complex mathematical concepts. A separate chapter of fully analyzed applications aptly demonstrates the diverse use of OR.

The popular commercial and tutorial software AMPL, Excel, Excel Solver, and Tora are used throughout the book to solve practical problems and to test theoretical concepts. New materials include Markov chains, TSP heuristics, new LP models, and a totally new simplex-based approach to LP sensitivity analysis.

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  • 1: What is Operations Research?
    2: Modeling with Linear Programming
    3: The Simplex Method and Sensitivity Analysis
    4: Duality and Post-Optimal Analysis
    5: Transportation Model and its Variants
    6: Network Models
    7: Advanced Linear Programming
    8: Goal Programming
    9: Integer Linear Programming
    10: Deterministic Dynamic Programming
    11: Deterministic Inventory Models
    12: Review of Basic Probability
    13: Decision Analysis and Games
    14: Probabilistic Inventory Models
    15: Queueing Systems
    16: Simulation Modeling
    17: Markov Chains
    18: Classical Optimization Theory
    19: Nonlinear Programming Algorithms
    20: Additional Network and LP Algorithms
    21: Forecasting Models
    22: Probabilistic Dynamic Programming
    23: Markovian Decision Process
    24: Case Analysis
  • Citation
    • Full Title: Operations Research an Introduction
    • Author/s:
    • ISBN-10: 0131889230
    • ISBN-13: 978013188923
    • Edition: 8th Edition
    • Topic: Business
    • Subtopic: Operations Research
    • File Type: eBook
    • Idioma: English

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