Principles of Physical Biochemistry – Kensal E. van Holde – 2nd Edition


The Second Edition of Principles of Physical Biochemistry provides the most current look at the theory and techniques used in the study of the physical chemistry of biological and biochemical molecules including discussion of mass spectrometry and single-molecule methods. Leading experts in biophysical chemistry these well-known authors offer unique insights and coverage not available elsewhere.Relevant Problems and Applications, approximately 20% of which are new, help students develop critical-thinking skills that they can apply to real biochemical and biological situations facing professionals in the industry.

A new streamlined organization – Groups all hydrodynamic methods in Chapter 5 and combines Raman spectroscopy with the spectroscopy section.

A true teaching text, this book includes exercises at the end of every chapter along with more expanded solutions to half of the exercises.

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  • 1: Biological Macromolecules
    2: Thermodynamics and Biochemistry
    3: Molecular Thermodynamics
    4: Statistical Thermodynamics
    5: Methods for the Separation and Characterization of Macromolecules
    6: X-Ray Diffraction
    7: Scattering From Solutions of Macromolecules
    8: Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy
    9: Absorption Spectroscopy
    10: Linear and Circular Dichroism
    11: Emission Spectroscopy
    12: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
    13: Macromolecules in Solution: Thermodynamics and Equilibria
    14: Chemical Equilibria Involving Macromolecules
    15: Mass Spectrometry of Macromolecules
    16: Single-Molecule Methods
    Solutions to Odd-Numbered Problems
  • Citation

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