Optical Fiber Communications – John M. Senior – 3rd Edition


This highly successful book, now in its third edition, has been extensively updated to include both new developments and improvements to technology and their utilization within the optical fiber global communications network.

The third edition, which contains an additional chapter and many new sections, is now structured into 15 chapters to facilitate a logical progression of the material, to enable both straightforward access to topics and provide an appropriate background and theoretical support.

This new edition remains an extremely comprehensive introductory text with a practical orientation for undergraduate and postgraduate engineers and scientists. It provides excellent coverage of all aspects of the technology and encompasses the new developments in the field. Hence it continues to be of substantial benefit and assistance for practising engineers, technologists and scientists who need access to a wide-ranging and up-to-date reference to this continually expanding field.

Professor John Senior is Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences at the University of Hertfordshire, UK. This third edition of the book draws on his extensive experience of both teaching and research in this area.

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  • Glossary of symbols and abbreviations

    1. Introduction
    2. Optical fiber waveguides
    3. Transmission characteristics of optical fibers
    4. Optical fibers and cables
    5. Optical fiber connection: joints and couplers
    6. Optical sources 1: the laser
    7. Optical sources 2: the light emitting diode
    8. Optical detectors
    9. Direct detection receiver performance considerations
    10. Optical amplification and integrated optics
    11. Integrated Optics and Photonics
    12. Optical fiber systems 1: intensity modulation/direct detection
    13. Optical Fiber Systems 2: coherent and phase modulated
    14. Optical fiber measurements
    15. Optical Networks

    Appendix A The field relations in a planar guide
    Appendix B Gaussian pulse response
    Appendix C Variance of a random variable
    Appendix D Variance of the sum of independent random variables
    Appendix E Closed loop transfer function for the transimpedance amplifier



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