In this age of universal connectivity of electronics, viruses, hackers, and electronic fraud; safety is paramount. This text provides a practical analysis of the two principles and practice of cryptography and network security.
First, the key issues that need to be addressed in a network security framework are explored through a tutorial and a survey of cryptography and network security technology. Then, the practice of network security is explored through practical applications that have been implemented and are in use today. An unprecedented package of support for instructors and students ensures adequate teaching and learning experience.
The new edition has been updated to include coverage of the most recent issues as encryption modes of operation blocks, including authenticated encryption; revised and expanded AES coverage; extension of the coverage of the generation of pseudo-random numbers; new federated identity coverage, HTTPS, Secure Shell (SSH), and wireless network security; completely rewritten and updated IPsec coverage, and a new chapter in legal and ethical issues.
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