Mechanism Design: Analysis and Synthesis – Arthur G. Erdman, George N. Sandor – 4th Edition


This thorough and comprehensive web-enhanced edition has been updated and enhanced — No other book has a web connection like this one! The software associated with the book makes it very useful for designing and analyzing linkage and CAM mechanisms. Web-enhanced features include ADAMS™ software, over 200 animated movie files of mechanisms and machines, and a new CAM design package.

New material includes coverage of type synthesis, robot grippers, and curvature cognates, while retaining coverage of traditional material with a significant treatment of kinematic synthesis. All material is explored both graphically and analytically — Graphical methods are used to fully explain basic principles. Features in-depth and rigorous discussions on displacement and velocity analysis; acceleration and force analysis; and cam design. For professionals interested in Kinematics, Mechanisms, and Dynamics.

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  • 1. Introduction to Kinematics and Mechanisms.
    2. Computer-Aided Mechanism Design Philosophy.
    3. Displacement and Velocity Analysis.
    4. Acceleration Analysis.
    5. Introduction to Dynamics of Mechanisms.
    6. Cam Design.
    7. Gears and Gear Trains.
    8. Introduction to Kinematic Synthesis: Graphical and Linear Analytical Methods.

    Appendix: Case Study-Type Synthesis of Casement Window Mechanisms.
    Answers to Selected Problems.
  • Citation

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