Foundations of Microeconomics – Michael Parkin, Robin Bade – 6th Edition


A practice-oriented learning system that breaks the traditional textbook mold. To help readers focus on the most important concepts–and effectively practice application of those concepts–Foundations of Microeconomics is structured around a Checklist/Checkpoint system. The result is a patient, confidence-building textbook that prepares readers to use economics in their everyday life, regardless of what their future career will be.

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  • <b>2:</b> The U.S. and Global Economies
    <b>3:</b> The Economic Problem
    <b>4:</b> Demand and Supply
    <b>5:</b> Elasticities of Demand and Supply
    <b>6:</b> Efficiency and Fairness of Markets
    <b>7:</b> Government Actions in Markets
    <b>8:</b> Taxes
    <b>9:</b> Global Markets in Action
    <b>10:</b> Public Goods and Public Choices
    <b>11:</b> Externalities and the Environment
    <b>12:</b> Private Information
    <b>13:</b> Consumer Choice and Demand
    <b>14:</b> Production and Cost
    <b>15:</b> Perfect Competition
    <b>16:</b> Monopoly
    <b>17:</b> Monopolistic Competition
    <b>18:</b> Oligopoly
    <b>19:</b> Markets for Factors of Production
    <b>20:</b> Inequality and Poverty
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