Microeconomics (Schaum’s Outline Series) – Dominick Salvatore – 4th Edition


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  • Preface

    Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 The Purpose of Theory
    1.2 The Problem of Scarcity
    1.3 The Function of Microeconomic Theory
    1.4 Markets, Functions, and Equilibrium
    1.5 Comparative Statics and Dynamics
    1.6 Partial Equilibrium and General Equilibrium Analysis
    1.7 Positive Economics and Normative Economics

    Chapter 2 Demand, Supply, and Equilibrium: An Overview
    2.1 The Individual´s Demand for a Commodity
    2.2 The Law of Negatively Sloped Demand
    2.3 Shifts in the Individual´s Demand Curve
    2.4 The Market Demand for a Commodity
    2.5 The Single Producer´s Supply of a Commodity
    2.6 The Shape of the Supply Curve
    2.7 Shifts in the Single Producer´s Supply Curve
    2.8 The Market Supply of a Commodity
    2.9 Equilibrium
    2.10 Types of Equilibria
    2.11 Shifts in Demand and Supply, and Equilibrium

    Chapter 3 The Measurement of Elasticities
    3.1 Price Elasticity of Demand
    3.2 Arc and Point Elasticity
    3.3 Point Elasticity and Total Expenditures
    3.4 Income Elasticity of Demand
    3.5 Cross Elasticity of Demand
    3.6 Price Elasticity of Supply

    Chapter 4 Consumer Demand Theory
    4.1 Total and Marginal Utility
    4.2 Consumer Equilibrium
    4.3 Indifference Curves: Definition
    4.4 The Marginal Rate of Substitution
    4.5 Characteristics of Indifference Curves
    4.6 The Budget Constraint Line
    4.7 Consumer Equilibrium
    4.8 Exchange
    4.9 The Income-Consumption Curve and the Engel Curve
    4.10 The Price-Consumption Curve and the Consumer´s Demand Curve
    4.11 Separation of the Substitution and Income Effects

    Chapter 5 Advanced Topics in Consumer Demand Theory
    5.1 The Substitution Effect According to Hicks and Slutsky
    5.2 The Theory of Revealed Preference
    5.3 Index Numbers and Changes in the Standard of Living
    5.4 Utility Theory Under Uncertainty
    5.5 A New Approach to Consumer Theory—the Demand for Characteristics
    5.6 Empirical Demand Curves

    Chapter 6 Theory of Production
    6.1 Production With One Variable Input: Total, Average, and Marginal Product
    6.2 The Shapes of the Average and Marginal Product Curves
    6.3 Stages of Production
    6.4 Production With Two Variable Inputs: Isoquants
    6.5 The Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution
    6.6 Characteristics of Isoquants
    6.7 Isocosts
    6.8 Producer Equilibrium
    6.9 Expansion Path
    6.10 Factor Substitution
    6.11 Constant, Increasing, and Decreasing Returns To Scale

    Chapter 7 Costs of Production
    7.1 Short-Run Total Cost Curves
    7.2 Short-Run Per-Unit Cost Curves
    7.3 The Geometry of Short-Run Per-Unit Cost Curves
    7.4 The Long-Run Average Cost Curve
    7.5 The Shape of The Long-Run Average Cost Curve
    7.6 The Long-Run Marginal Cost Curve
    7.7 The Long-Run Total Cost Curve
    7.8 The Cobb-Douglas Production Function
    7.9 X-Inefficiency
    7.10 Technological Progress
    Midterm Examination

    Chapter 8 Price and Output Under Perfect Competition
    8.1 Perfect Competition Defined
    8.2 Price Determination in the Market Period
    8.3 Short-Run Equilibrium of the Firm: Total Approach
    8.4 Short-Run Equilibrium of the Firm: Marginal Approach
    8.5 Short-Run Profit or Loss?
    8.6 Short-Run Supply Curve
    8.7 Long-Run Equilibrium of the Firm
    8.8 Constant Cost Industries
    8.9 Increasing Cost Industries
    8.10 Decreasing Cost Industries

    Chapter 9 Price and Output Under Pure Monopoly
    9.1 Pure Monopoly Defined
    9.2 The MR Curve and Elasticity
    9.3 Short-Run Equilibrium Under Pure Monopoly: Total Approach
    9.4 Short-Run Equilibrium Under Pure Monopoly: Marginal Approach
    9.5 Long-Run Equilibrium Under Pure Monopoly
    9.6 Regulation of Monopoly: Price Control
    9.7 Regulation of Monopoly: Lump-Sum Tax
    9.8 Regulation of Monopoly: Per-Unit Tax
    9.9 Price Discrimination

    Chapter 10 Price and Output Under Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
    10.1 Monopolistic Competition Defined
    10.2 Short-Run Equilibrium Under Monopolistic Competition
    10.3 Long-Run Equilibrium Under Monopolistic Competition
    10.4 Oligopoly Defined
    10.5 The Cournot Model
    10.6 The Edgeworth Model
    10.7 The Chamberlin Model
    10.8 The Kinked Demand Curve Model
    10.9 The Centralized Cartel Model
    10.10 The Market-Sharing Cartel Model
    10.11 Price Leadership Model
    10.12 Long-Run Equilibrium Under Oligopoly

    Chapter 11 Recent and Advanced Topics in Market Structure
    11.1 The Lerner Index as a Measure of a Firm´s Monopoly Power
    11.2 The Herfindahl Index as Measure of Monopoly Power in an Industry
    11.3 Contestable-Market Theory
    11.4 Peak-Load Pricing
    11.5 Cost-Plus Pricing
    11.6 Transfer Pricing

    Chapter 12 Game Theory and Oligopolistic Behavior
    12.1 Game Theory: Definitions and Objectives
    12.2 Dominant Strategy
    12.3 Nash Equilibrium
    12.4 The Prisoners´ Dilemma
    12.5 Price and Nonprice Competition and Cartel Cheating
    12.6 Repeated Games and Tit-For-Tat Strategy
    12.7 Strategic Behavior

    Chapter 13 Input Pricing and Employment
    Perfect Competition in the Product and Input Markets
    13.1 Profit Maximization and Least-Cost Input Combinations
    13.2 The Demand Curve of the Firm for One Variable Input
    13.3 The Demand Curve of the Firm for One of Several Variable Inputs
    13.4 The Market Demand Curve for an Input
    13.5 The Market Supply Curve for an Input
    13.6 Pricing and Level of Employment of an Input
    13.7 Rent and Quasi-Rent
    Perfect Competition in the Market and Monopoly in the Product Market
    13.8 Profit Maximization and Least-Cost Input Combinations
    13.9 The Demand Curve of the Firm for One Variable Input
    13.10 The Demand Curve of the Firm for One of Several Variable Inputs
    13.11 The Market Demand Curve and Input Pricing
    13.12 Input Supply Curve and Marginal Resource Costs
    13.13 Pricing and Employment for One Variable Input
    13.14 Pricing and Employment of Several Variable Inputs

    Chapter 14 General Equilibrium and Welfare Economics
    General Equilibrium
    14.1 Partial and General Equilibrium Analysis
    14.2 General Equilibrium of Exchange
    14.3 General Equilibrium of Production
    14.4 The Transformation Curve
    14.5 The Slope of the Transformation Curve
    14.6 General Equilibrium of Production and Exchange
    Welfare Economics
    14.7 Welfare Economics Defined
    14.8 The Utility-Possibility Curve
    14.9 Grand Utility-Possibility Curve
    14.10 The Social Welfare Function
    14.11 The Point of Maximum Social Welfare
    14.12 Perfect Competition and Economic Efficiency
    14.13 Externalities and Market Failure
    14.14 Public Goods

    Chapter 15 The Economics of Information
    15.1 The Economics of Search
    15.2 Searching for The Lowest Price
    15.3 Asymmetric Information: The Market for Lemons and Adverse Selection
    15.4 Market Signaling
    15.5 The Problem of Moral Hazard
    15.6 The Principal-Agent Problem
    15.7 The Efficiency Wage Theory
    Final Examination
  • Citation
    • Full Title: Microeconomics (Schaum's Outline Series)
    • Author/s:
    • ISBN-10: 0071462368
    • ISBN-13: 9780071462365
    • Edition: 4th Edition
    • Publication date: 2010
    • Topic: Business
    • Subtopic: Microeconomics
    • File Type: eBook
    • Idioma: English

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