The Eleventh Edition of INTERMEDIATE MICROECONOMICS AND ITS APPLICATION, by Walter Nicholson of Amherst College and Christopher Snyder of Dartmouth College, provides an exceptionally clear and concise introduction to the economics of markets, with a managerial focus and using an algebraic approach. The authors have provided a complete range of highly relevant applications and appealing, current examples, filling this edition with strong examples and activities that engage students’ interest and encourage them to learn by doing.
The text features a full complement of integrated pedagogical features to enhance student learning, including review checklists, an end-of-text glossary, solutions to odd-numbered problems, review questions, questions at the end of applications, numerical examples of major concepts, chapter summaries, and the new “Policy Challenges” features.
In addition to a strong managerial approach reflected throughout the text, the authors maintain an algebra focus in all mathematical presentations, making the material manageable for students without a strong foundation in calculus.
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