Auditing & Assurance Services – Timothy Louwers – 2nd Edition


As a result of recent audit scandals such as Enron and Worldcom, several new auditing standards have been enacted, making currency one of the most important issues in this market. Upon publication, this text will be the most up-to-date auditing text on the market. It’s been written so that it is current with all issues inherent in accounting and auditing practice, particularly in public accounting firms including coverage of the creation of the Public Companies Accounting Oversight Board, the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and all of the major pronouncements issued by the AICPA through Summer 2005.

The Louwers text is also a leader in fraud coverage and is accompanied by the Apollo Shoes Casebook–the only standalone FRAUD audit case on the market (available at the book’s Online Learning Center).

The text is also designed to provide flexibility for instructors; the twelve chapters focus on the auditing process while the eight modules provide additional topics that can be taught at the instructor’s discretion without interrupting the flow of the text.

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  • Part I: The Contemporary Auditing Environment
    Chapter 1: Auditing and Assurance Services
    Chapter 2: Professional Standards
    Chapter 3: Management Fraud and Audit Risk

    Part II: The Financial Statement Audit
    Chapter 4: Engagement Planning
    Appendix 4A Selected Financial Ratios
    Chapter 5: Internal Control Evaluation
    Appendix 5A Payroll Cycle
    Chapter 6: Employee Fraud and the audit of Cash
    Chapter 7: Revenue and Collection Cycle
    Fraud Cases: Extended Audit Procedures (SAS 99)
    Appendix 7A Internal Controls
    Appendix 7B Audit Programs
    Chapter 8: Acquisition and Expenditure Cycle
    Fraud Case: Extended Audit Procedures (SAS 99)
    Appendix 8A Internal Controls
    Appendix 8B Audit Programs
    Chapter 9: Production Cycle
    Fraud Case: Extended Audit Procedures (SAS 99)
    Appendix 9A Internal Controls
    Appendix 9B Audit Programs
    Chapter 10: Finance and Investment Cycle
    Fraud Case: Extended Audit Procedures (SAS 99)
    Appendix 10A Internal Controls
    Appendix 10B Audit Programs
    Chapter 11: Completing the Audit
    Chapter 12: Reports on Audited Financial Statements

    Part III: Other Topics
    Module A: Assurance and Other Public Accounting Services
    Module B: Professional Ethics
    Appendix: AICPA Interpretations of the Rules of Conduct
    Module C: Legal Liability
    Module D: Internal, Governmental, and Fraud Audits
    Appendix: Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (abridged)
    Appendix: The Institute of Internal Auditors Code of Ethics
    Appendix: Professional Standards and Practice Codes for Certified Fraud Examiners
    Module E: Overview of Sampling
    Module F: Attribute Sampling
    Module G: Variables Sampling
    Module H: Information Systems Auditing
  • Citation

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