University Physics with Modern Physics- Sears, Zemansky’s – 12th Edition – Vol.1


This book is the product of more than half a century of innovations in the teaching of physics. When he appeared he was regarded as a revolutionary among calculus-based textbooks for his emphasis on the fundamental principles of physics and how to apply them.

 The success of “university physics” between generations of students and educators around the world is testimony to the merits of this approach. In preparation for this eleventh edition we have improved and expanded “University Physics” with the purpose of emphasizing two key objectives: to help the student acquire a conceptual understanding and to facilitate the acquisition of solid problem-solving skills.

 Problem-solving techniques have been broadened and enhanced using an innovative four-step approach that helps bridge the gap between solved examples and problem-solving tasks. Pedagogy has been enhanced with more visual chapter summaries and conceptual questions, as well as “Care” paragraphs that help to avoid common mistakes.

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  • Part I: Mechanics Chapter 1: Units, physical quantities and vectors
    Chapter 2: Straight Line Motion
    Chapter 3: Motion in two or three dimensions
    Chapter 4: Newton Motion Laws
    Chapter 5: Applications of Newton's Laws
    Chapter 6: Work and kinetic energy
    Chapter 7: Potential energy and energy conservation
    Chapter 8: Linear momentum, momentum and shocks
    Chapter 9: Rotation of rigid bodies
    Chapter 10: Rotational motion dynamics
    Chapter 11: Balance and elasticity
    Chapter 12: Gravitation
    Chapter 13: Periodic motion
    Chapter 14: Fluid Mechanics Waves / Acoustics

    Part II: Waves / Acoustics

    Chapter 15: Mechanical waves
    Chapter 16: Sound and Hearing Thermodynamics

    Part III: Thermodynamics

    Chapter 17: Temperature and heat
    Chapter 18: Thermal Properties of Matter
    Chapter 19 : The First Law of Thermodynamics
    Chapter 20: The Second Law of Thermodynamics


         Appendix A: The international system of units Appendix Useful mathematical relationships Appendix C: The Greek alphabet Appendix D: Periodic table of elements Appendix E: Unit conversion factors Appendix F: Number constants
  • Citation

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