Problems and Solutions In Scientific Computing – Willi-Hans Steeb – 1st Edition


Scientific computing is a collection of tools, techniques and theories required to develop and solve mathematical models in science and engineering on a computer. This timely book provides the various skills and techniques needed in scientific computing. The topics range in difficulty from elementary to advanced, and all the latest fields in scientific computing are covered such as matrices, numerical analysis, neural networks, genetic algorithms, etc.

Presented in the format of problems and detailed solutions, important concepts and techniques are introduced and developed. Many problems include software simulations. Algorithms have detailed implementations in C++ or Java. This book will prove to be invaluable not only to students and research workers in the fields of scientific computing, but also to teachers of this subject who will find this text useful as a supplement.

The topics discussed in this book are part of the e-learning and distance learning courses conducted by the International School of Scientific Computing, South Africa.

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    1. Quickies

    2. Bitwise Operations

    3. Number Manipulations

    4. Combinatorical Problems

    5. Matrix Calculus

    6. Recursion

    7. Finite State Machines

    8. Lists, Trees and Queues

    9. Numerical Techniques

    10. Random Numbers and Monte Carlo Techniques

    11. Ordinary Differential Equations

    12. Partial Differential Equations

    13. Wavelets

    14. Graphs

    15. Neural Networks

    16. Genetic Algorithms

    17. Optimization

    18. File and String Manipulations

    19. Computer Graphics

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