Principles and Practice of Automatic Process Control – Carlos A. Smith, Armando B. Corripio – 2nd Edition


The book presents all the necessary theory for the successful practice of automatic process control. The significance of the theory is explained at all times. Both introductory and advanced control strategies are presented and applied.

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  • Charpeter 1 Introduction
    Charpeter 2 Mathematical Tools for control system
    Charpeter 3 First-Order dynamic systems
    Charpeter 4 Higher-Order dynamic system
    Charpeter5 Basic Components of control systems
    Charpeter6 Design of single-loop feedback control systems
    Charpeter 7 Tuning of feedback controllers
    Charpeter8 Root locus
    Charpeter9 Frequency Response techniques
    Charpeter10 Cascade control
    Charpeter11 Override and selective control
    Charpeter12 Ratio and feedforward control
    Charpeter 13 Multivariable process control
    Charpeter 14 Mathematical Tools for computer control system
    Charpeter15 Design of computer control systems
    Apendix A Instrumentation symbols and labels
    Apendix B case studies
    Apendix C Sensors, transmitters, and control valves
  • Citation

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