Distributed Model Predictive Control Made Easy Volume 69 – José M. Maestre, Rudy R. Negenborn – 1st Edition


The rapid evolution of computing, communication and information technology has allowed the application of control techniques to systems beyond the possibilities of control theory only a decade ago. Critical infrastructures such as electricity, water , traffic and intermodal transport networks are now within the reach of control engineers. The sheer size of these large-scale systems requires the adoption of advanced distributed control approaches. Predictive Distributed Model Control (MPC) is one of the promising control methodologies for controlling such systems.

This book provides a cutting-edge overview of distributed MPC approaches, while providing clear research directions that deserve more attention. The nucleus and reason for 35 approaches are explained explained. In addition, specific step-by-step algorithmic descriptions of each approach were specified. “These features make the book a comprehensive guide for both those seeking an introduction to Distributed MPC and those who want to gain a deeper insight into the wide range of Distributed MPC techniques available.

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  • 1 On 35 Approaches for Distributed MPC Made Easy
    RRNegenborn and JMMaestre

    Part I From Small-Scale to Large-Scale: The Group of Autonomous
    Systems Perspective

    2 Bargaining Game Based Distributed MPC
    FValencia, JDLópez, JAPatiño and JJEspinosa

    3 Cooperative Tube-Based Distributed MPC for Linear Uncertain Systems Coupled Via Constraints
    PATrodden and AGRichards

    4 Price-Driven Coordination for Distributed NMPC Using a Feedback Control Law
    RMartí, DSarabia and Cde Prada

    5 Distributed MPC for Consensus and Synchronization
    MAMüller and FAllgöwer

    6 Distributed MPC Under Coupled Constraints Basedon Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition
    RBourdais, JBuisson, DDumur, HGuéguen and P.-DMoros¸an

    7 Distributed MPC Via Dual Decomposition and Alternative Direction Method of Multipliers
    FFarokhi, IShames and KHJohansson

    8 D-SIORHC, Distributed MPC with Stability Constraints Based on a Game Approach
    JMLemos and JMIgreja

    9 A Distributed-in-Time NMPC-Based Coordination Mechanism for Resource Sharing Problems
    MYLamoudi, MAlamir and PBéguery

    10 Rate Analysis of Inexact Dual Fast Gradient Methodfor Distributed MPC

    11 Distributed MPC Via Dual Decomposition
    BBiegel, JStoustrup and PAndersen

    12 Distributed Optimization for MPC of Linear Dynamic Networks

    13 Adaptive Quasi-Decentralized MPC of Networked Process Systems 09
    YHu and NHEl-Farra

    14 Distributed Lyapunov-Based MPC
    RHermans, MLazar and AJokic´

    15 A Distributed Reference Management Scheme in Presence of Non-Convex Constraints: An MPC Based Approach 3
    FTedesco, DMRaimondo and ACasavola

    16 The Distributed Command Governor Approach in a Nutshell
    ACasavola, EGarone and FTedesco

    17 Mixed-Integer Programming Techniques in Distributed MPC Problems
    IProdan, FStoican, SOlaru, CStoica and S.-INiculescu

    18 Distributed MPC of Interconnected Nonlinear Systems by Dynamic Dual Decomposition
    AGrancharova and TAJohansen

    19 Generalized Accelerated Gradient Methods for Distributed MPC Based on Dual Decomposition
    PGiselsson and ARantzer

    20 Distributed Multiple Shooting for Large Scale Nonlinear Systems
    AKozma, CSavorgnan and MDiehl

    21 Nash-Based Distributed MPC for Multi-Rate Systems 1
    SRoshany-Yamchi, RRNegenborn and AACornelio

    Part II From Large-Scale to Small-Scale: The Decomposed Monolithic System Perspective

    22 Cooperative Dynamic MPC for Networked Control Systems
    IJurado, DEQuevedo, KHJohansson and AAhlén

    23 Parallel Implementation of Hybrid MPC
    DAxehill and AHansson

    24 A Hierarchical MPC Approach with Guaranteed Feasibility for Dynamically Coupled Linear Systems
    MDDoan, TKeviczky and BDe Schutter

    25 Distributed MPC Based on a Team Game
    JMMaestre, FJMuros, FFele, DMuñoz de la Peñaand EFCamacho

    26 Distributed MPC: A Noncooperative Approach Basedon Robustness Concepts
    GBetti, MFarina and RScattolini

    27 Decompositions of Augmented Lagrange Formulations for Serial and Parallel Distributed MPC

    28 A Hierarchical Distributed MPC Approach: A Practical Implementation
    AZafra-Cabeza and JMMaestre

    29 Distributed MPC Based on Agent Negotiation
    JMMaestre, DMuñoz de la Peña and EFCamacho

    30 Lyapunov-based Distributed MPC Schemes: Sequential and Iterative Approaches
    JLiu, DMuñoz de la Peña and PDChristofides
    Contents xi

    31 Multi-layer Decentralized MPC of Large-Scale Networked Systems
    COcampo-Martinez, VPuig, JMGrosso and SMontes-de-Oca

    32 Distributed MPC Using Reinforcement Learning Based Negotiation: Application to Large Scale Systems
    BMorcego, VJavalera, VPuig and RVito

    33 Hierarchical MPC for Multiple Commodity Transportation Networks
    JLNabais, RRNegenborn, RBCarmona-Benítez, LFMendonça and MABotto

    34 On the Use of Suboptimal Solvers for Efficient Cooperative Distributed Linear MPC
    GPannocchia, SJWright and JBRawlings

    35 Cooperative Distributed MPC Integrating a Steady State Target Optimizer
    AFerramosca, DLimon and AHGonzález

    36 Cooperative MPC with Guaranteed Exponential Stability
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