Precalculus with Limits – Ron Larson, Robert P. Hostetler – 2nd Edition


With the same design and feature sets as the market leading “Precalculus, 8/e”, this addition to the “Larson Precalculus” series provides both students and instructors with sound, consistently structured explanations of the mathematical concepts.

Designed for a two-term course, this text contains the features that have made “Precalculus” a complete solution for both students and instructors: interesting applications, cutting-edge design, and innovative technology combined with an abundance of carefully written exercises. In addition to a brief algebra review and the core precalculus topics, “Precalculus with Limits, International Edition”, covers analytic geometry in three dimensions and introduces concepts covered in calculus.

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  • 1. Functions and their graphs.
    2. Polynomial and rational functions.
    3. Exponential and logarithmic functions.
    4. Trigonometry.
    5. Analytic trigonometry.
    6. Additional topics in trigonometry.
    7. Systems of equations and inequalities.
    8. Matrices and determinants.
    9. Sequences, series, and probability.
    10. Topics in analytic geometry.
    11. Analytic geometry in three dimensions.
    12. Limits and an introduction to calculus.
  • Citation

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