Plane and Spherical Trigonometry – Frank Ayres – 1st Edition


This book is designed as an aid to those studying Trigonometry for the first time by providing a collection of fully solved representative problems. At the same time, the layout of the material makes it a convenient manual for those who wish to evaluate fundamental principles and applications. .

The book, while complete in itself, is not written in a formal textbook style. Each chapter contains a summary of the necessary limitations and theorems, followed by the chapter contains a summary of the necessary limitations and theorems, followed by a set of graduated solved problems. Proofs of theorems and derivations of all formulas are included among the problems solved.

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    1. Angles and arc length
    2. Trigonometric functions of a general angle
    3. Trigonometric functions of acute angle
    4. Tables of trigonometric functions- Solution of right triangles
    5. Practical applications
    6. Logarithms
    7. Logarithmic solution of right triangles
    8. Reduction to functions of positive acute angles
    9. Variations and graphs of the trigonometric fuctions
    10. Fundamental relations and indentities
    11. Trigonometric functions of angles
    12. Sum, Difference, and product formulas
    13. Oblique triangles, non-logarithmic solution
    14. Logarithmic solution of oblique triangles
    15. Areas. Radh of inscribed and circumscribed circles
    16. Inverse trigonometric functions
    17. Trigonometric equations
    18. Complex numbers
    19. Topics from solid geometry
    20. Right spherical triangles
    21. Oblique spherical Triangles-- Standard solutions
    22. Oblique spherical triangles-- Alternate solutions
    23. Course and distance
    24. The celestial sphere
  • Citation
    • Full Title: Plane and Spherical Trigonometry
    • Author/s:
    • ISBN-10: 070026513
    • Edition: 1st Edition
    • Publication date: 1954
    • Topic: Math
    • Subtopic: Trigonometry
    • File Type: eBook
    • Idioma: English

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