The classic edition of Algebra and Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry is a special version of the twelfth edition of the same title. It has been written for professors seeking to teach a traditional course which requires only a scientific calculator. Both editions improve upon the eleventh edition in several ways.
This edition includes over 120 new or revised examples and exercises, many of these resulting from suggestions of users and reviewers of the eleventh edition. All have been incorporated without sacrificing the mathe- matical soundness that has been paramount to the success of this text.
Titled for easy reference, all examples provide detailed solutions of problems similar to those that appear in exercise sets. Many examples include graphs, charts, or tables to help the student understand procedures and solutions.
To arouse student interest and to help students relate the exer- cises to current real-life situations, applied exercises have been titled. One look at the Index of Applications in the back of the book reveals the wide array of topics. Many professors have indicated that the applications constitute one of the strongest features of the text.
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