The fifth edition of Petroleum Accounting: Principles, Procedures & Issues features a clear approach to complex issues, which makes the book an excellent reference addition to corporate libraries and the offices of companies faced with the tasks of financial accounting and reporting for exploration and production activities in the USA.
Petroleum Accounting has served as the major reference source for accountants and financial auditors for 15 years. For the fifth edition, the authors, Dennis Jennings, Joe Feiten, and Horace Brock, have added new chapters on FAS 133 on derivatives, risk management, dismantlement costs, and statistics on industry economic parameters.
The book is published by the Professional Development Institute of the University of North Texas (PDI), the world’s largest provider of oil and gas accounting education. Jennings is the Global Risk Management Solutions Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers Global Energy & Management Group. Feiten is a former director of the Global Energy & Mining Group of PWC. Dr. Brock is director of oil and gas programs for PDI and is former director of the Institute of Petroleum Accounting at the University of North Texas.
“This text is important because it is written in a way that appeals to everyone in the industry—from seasoned professionals to industry newcomers,” said Dr. Brock. “Our intent is to provide a comprehensive look at the complex world of petroleum accounting and to provide a reference source for petroleum accountants, financial auditors, and other interested parties.”
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