Fourth edition of a text for central courses of electronic circuits specializing in Electrical Engineering and Computing. The aim of the book is to develop in the reader the ability to analyze and design analog, digital, discrete and integrated electronic circuits.
In this edition several changes have been made both in the organization and in the coverage of the material. Simulation models and examples have been incorporated with the SPICE program; material on the physical operation of devices has been expanded; and the material on the MOSFET has been completely redesigned.
The theme of this book is modern electronics, a field that today is called microelectronics. This refers to integrated circuit (IC) technology which, at the time this is written, can produce circuits containing millions of components in a small piece of silicon (known as a silicon chip) whose area is in the order of 10mm square. One of these microelectronic circuits, for example, is a complete digital computer that is appropriately called a microcomputer or, more generally, a microprocessor.
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