Introduction to Digital Signal Processing – Bob Meddins – 1st Edition


Introduction to Digital Signal Processing covers the basic theory and practice of digital signal processing (DSP) at an introductory level. As with all volumes in the Essential Electronics Series, this book retains the unique formula of minimal mathematics and straightforward explanations. The author has included examples throughout of the standard software design package, MATLAB and screen dumps are used widely throughout to illustrate the text.

Ideal for students on degree and diploma level courses in electric and electronic engineering, ‘Introduction to Digital Signal Processing’ contains numerous worked examples throughout as well as further problems with solutions to enable students to work both independently and in conjunction with their course.

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  • Chapter 1 The basics
    *Chapter preview
    *Analogue signal processing
    *An alternative approach
    *The complete DSP system
    *Digital data processing
    *The running average filter
    *Representation of processing systems
    *Self-assessment test
    *Feedback (or recursive) filters
    *Self-assessment test
    *Chapter summary
    Chapter 2 Discrete signals and systems
    *Chapter preview
    *Signal types
    *The representation of discrete signals
    *Self-assessment test
    *The z-transform
    *z-Transform tables
    *Self-assessment test
    *The transfer function for a discrete system
    *Self-assessment test MATLAB and signals and systems
    *Digital signal processors and the z-domain
    *FIR filters and the z-domain
    *IIR filters and the z-domain
    *Self-assessment test
    *Chapter summary
    Chapter 3 The z-plane
    *Chapter preview
    *Poles, zeros and the s-plane
    *Pole-zero diagrams for continuous signals
    *Self-assessment test
    *From the s-plane to the z-plane
    *Stability and the z-plane
    *Discrete signals and the z-plane
    *Zeros The Nyquist frequency
    *Self-assessment test
    *The relationship between the Laplace and z-transform
    *The frequency response of continuous systems
    *Self-assessment test
    *The frequency response of discrete systems
    *Unstable systems
    *Self-assessment test
    Chapter 4 The design of IIR filters
    *Chapter preview
    *Filter basics
    *FIR and IIR filters
    *The direct design of IIR filters
    *Self-assessment test
    *The design of IIR filters via analogue filters
    *The bilinear transform
    *Self-assessment test
    *The impulse-invariant method
    *Self-assessment test
    *Pole-zero mapping
    *Self-assessment test
    *MATLAB and s-to-z transformations
    *Classic analogue filters
    *Frequency transformation in the s-domain
    *Frequency transformation in the z-domain
    *Self-assessment test
    *Practical realization of IIR filters
    *Chapter summary
    Chapter 5 The design of FIR filters
    *Chapter preview
    *Phase-linearity and FIR filters
    *Running average filters
    *The Fourier transform and the inverse Fourier transform
    *The design of FIR filters using the Fourier transform or 'windowing' method
    *Windowing and the Gibbs phenomenon
    *Highpass, bandpass and bandstop filters
    *Self-assessment test
    *The discrete Fourier transform and its inverse
    *The design of FIR filters using the 'frequency sampling' method
    *Self-assessment test
    *Recap The fast Fourier transform and its inverse
    *MATLAB and the FFT
    *A final word of warning
    *Chapter summary
  • Citation

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